Yoga a GoGo

As you may know, I’ve been valiantly attempting to get “in shape.” I haven’t decided on which shape that will be, yet. I kinda have been yoyo-ing with my commitment to a healthy lifestyle. And no, giving up chocolate and wine is note an option (god, I’m like a character from a Nora Roberts novel. How stereotypically female of me).

I went back to yoga class today after a hiatus, and obviously it kicked my ass. In a good way… I think. Anywho, something said at the end of the class really stuck with me. I was flopped into my version of meditation (imagine a faceplanting starfish. That’s this gal), while my badass teacher was talking to the class. She talked about rewarding yourself for coming to class and such, then she said.

“You did something amazing today. If you go through your day thinking that instead of how you should have done more or did better, your whole outlook will change.”

Woah. This human starfish was not expecting that.

As an overachiever with anxiety/depression/a partridge in a pear tree, The mantra “You should have done more.” Runs through my head roughly 6,943 times a day. The weird thing, though, is that you never realize that you think it until the idea is firmly planted in your head.

So, as I’m nomming on some leftover shrimp and pasta, I made the choice to try and make my mindset one similar to how I felt during class. We’ll see how it goes.

Have any of you guys felt this way? Do you have any mantras to get you through? Did it help your mindset?

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