Quarter life crises are a thing, right?

Holy hell, I’m the worst. In the past few months, I’ve moved countries, changed careers, and possibly bought a house all while procrastinating getting healthy and upping my highlighter game.

I’m such a millenial.

2017 Has been absolutely nuts. Mister and I have moved bases, now back in the USA… or what’s left of it. I’m glad to be back in a place where I can understand the street signs, but things are still in flux. I’m finding myself diving headfirst into creative endeavors. It is overwhelming having chronic illness, and I am finding solace not just in yoga but in my make up and beauty, my fashion and decor. A large amount of headspace has been taken over by wanting to share my idea of pretty with the world. So, when my office job wanted to transfer me to Philly, I put in my notice. I should have known I was losing my mind when I used my insurance money to buy a convertible.

I blame the current political climate, but I digress.

Currently, I am wondering if it is possible to have a quarter life crisis. Should I go forth and pursue something that I love if I could very well fail? Do I stay in a career that I might not like, but am good at? Do I tell my dog he’s adopted?

I’m kidding. I would never put that on Seamus. He gets his anxiety from me. #likemotherlikeson

So, this has been an unnecessary life update. I am trying my best to funnel in what I want this site to be; what I feel it means to be a bombshell. I guess it has to do with not having your shit together, but still liking pretty and fun things. After all, we all have a little bombshell in all of us.

Hey, that’s catchy.

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